Jan Richter: CSS-Unterstützung in Mozilla

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Hier eine Meldung von http://www.mozillazine.org, die euch interessieren könnte:

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Mozilla Now Supports All CSS1 Propeties!
(Thursday April 29th, 1999)

David Baron, long on the scene as a champion of a proper CSS1 implementation and one of the most
prolific bug-report contributors at Bugzilla has great news on CSS1 in Mozilla (and he'd be the one to

"The new layout engine now supports all CSS1 properties. Troy Chevalier implemented the last
property, background-attachment, earlier this week. Some properties are still buggy, and one selector
(the visited pseudo-class) isn't yet implemented. However, this is probably the most complete
implementation of CSS1 so far, and the bug list is consistently getting shorter."
=== cut ===

bye, Frank!


sorry für die blöde Frage (sie is' aber trotzdem ernst gemeint):

Was ist eigentlich Mozilla?  Irgendein neuer Browser, oder so?
