J. Otto: Digitaleuhr mit Römischenzahlen stürtz bei Mozilla immer ab?

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Mein Javaspript "Digitaleuhr mit Römischenzahlen" stürzt bei Mozilla immer ab? Un im Explorer gehts? Warum? (is klar ich bin zu blöd) Aber waskann ich besser machen?

<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="de">  
<script type="text/javascript">  
function start() {  
 window.setInterval("time()", 1000);  
function time() {  
 var now = new Date();  
 hours = dec2rom(now.getHours());  
 minutes = dec2rom(now.getMinutes());  
 seconds = dec2rom(now.getSeconds());  
    hoursb = now.getHours();  
 minutesb = now.getMinutes();  
 secondsb = now.getSeconds();  
      function dec2rom (dec)  
    var dec = '' + dec;  // Converts the decimal "dec" to a string  
    while (dec.substr(0, 1) == '0')  { dec = dec.substring(1, length); }  // Remove zeroes in front to avoid converting to the octal system  
    var num = parseInt(dec);  // Converting string to decimal  
    var thousand = 0;  // Counts, how often we substracted 1000 from the decimal  
    while (num > 1000)  { num -= 1000; thousand++; }  // Required to lower the number  
    dec = num + '';  // Overwrites "dec" with the new - under circumstances lower - number  
    var rN = '';  // Prepare empty string (the result)  
    var length = dec.length;  // Length of the string  
    var adds = new Array('I', 'X', 'C', 'M');  // These are letters which can be placed next to eacht other (8 = "VIII"), sorted asc.  
    var noAdds = new Array('V', 'L', 'D');  // These letters cannot be put next to each other ("VV" does not exist), sorted asc.  
    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)  // This loop will extract each digit from the decimal and handle its "translation"  
      var d = dec.substr(i, 1);  // Actual digit of "dec"  
      var pos = length - 1 - i;  // Reverse position in arrays  
      if (d == 0)  { continue; }  // The Romans did not know the zero  
      else if ( (d == 1) || (d == 2) || (d == 3) )  // Letters, that are added (like "III")  
        for (var j = 0; j < d; j++)  { rN += adds[pos]; }  // A loop that addes 1, 2 or 3 times the given letter (like "III", "XXX")  
      else if (d == 4)  { rN += adds[pos] + noAdds[pos]; }  // Adds two letters, if the digit is "4"; in case of 4: "IV"  
      else if (d == 5)  { rN += noAdds[pos]; }  // Simply add the non-addable signs ("V", "L", "D")  
      else if ( (d == 6) || (d == 7) || (d == 8) )  // Comparable to case "1", "2" or "3"  
        rN += noAdds[pos];  // Sign, that is used in case "5"  
        for (var k = 5; k < d; k++)  { rN += adds[pos]; }  // 1, 2 or 3 the given letter (like "III", "XXX")  
      else if (d == 9)  { rN += adds[pos] + adds[pos + 1]; }  // Comparable to "4", but only with addable letters  
    for (var m = 0; m < thousand; m++)  { rN = 'M' + rN; }  // At beginning, we substracted "thousand" times 1000; now, we add them  
   Ergebnis = rN.toUpperCase();  // Writes the Roman string in capital letters in the Roman text input  
   return Ergebnis;  
 thetime = (hours < 10) ? "0" + hours + ":" : hours + ":";  
 thetime += (minutes < 10) ? "0" + minutes + ":" : minutes + ":";  
 thetime += (seconds < 10) ? "0" + seconds : seconds;  
 element = document.getElementById("time");  
 element.innerHTML = thetime;  
    thetimeb = (hoursb < 10) ? "0" + hoursb + ":" : hoursb + ":";  
 thetimeb += (minutesb < 10) ? "0" + minutesb + ":" : minutesb + ":";  
 thetimeb += (secondsb < 10) ? "0" + secondsb : secondsb;  
 element = document.getElementById("timeb");  
 element.innerHTML = thetimeb;  
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      <td width="124" height="124" >&nbsp;</td>  
      <td width="124" height="200" >&nbsp;</td>  
      <td width="200" height="200" border="1" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1">  
      <font face="Arial" size="2">  
      <p id="time"  align="center">  
      <p id="timeb" align="center">Text</p>  
      <td width="124" height="200" >&nbsp;</td>  
      <td width="124" height="124" >&nbsp;</td>  
      <td width="200" height="124" >&nbsp;</td>  
      <td width="124" height="124" >&nbsp;</td>  