ChrisB: Geklärt- aber anderer Fehler?

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<a target="_blank" href=";tx_ttnews[backPid]=288&amp;cHash=f5d4fd9d5a49758ccee1ecad99fbac15">Südkurier</a>

> meldet der W3C- Markup Validation Service an der Stelle des ">":  
>  Bad value\_ttnews[backPid]=288&cHash=f5d4fd9d5a49758ccee1ecad99fbac15 for attribute href on element a: Illegal character in query: not a URL code point.  
> Was bedeutet dies?  
Die eckigen Klammern musst du ebenfalls URL-kodieren.  
MfG ChrisB  

Autocomplete has spoiled me to a point where it happens every so often that I encounter a CAPTCHA, and I just type in the first character … and then wait for the rest of the code to be automatically suggested :/