tami: Unsicherheit von Web-Apps oder browserbasierten Apps

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hi molily,


Finde ich gleich:

"If ample precautions are taken (which includes a large laundry list of things like TLS, CSP, CORS, proper HTTP headers, JS strict mode, and more), this can allow for the successful development of cryptographic applications that attempt to enforce the interests of the web application creator.
Before I keep talking about where in-browser cryptography is inappropriate, let me talk about where I think it might work: I think it has great potential uses for encrypting messages sent between a user and the web site they are accessing. For example, my former employer LivingSocial used in-browser crypto to encrypt credit card numbers in-browser with their payment processor’s public key before sending them over the wire (via an HTTPS connection which effectively double-encrypted them). This provided end-to-end encryption between a user’s browser and the LivingSocial’s upstream payment gateway, even after HTTPS has been terminated by LivingSocial (i.e. all cardholder data seen by LivingSocial was encrypted).

In this approach, there’s an implicit trust relationship between the user and the site they’re accessing. What we see happening here is cryptography being used to protect the web site’s interests, not the user’s. For this purpose, in-browser crypto is great!"

Das lese ich so, dass kryptografische Übertragung von Textnachrichten eigentlich prima möglich ist? Wenn es dem Webseiteninteresse dient, sei Browser-Crypto großartig.

